Channel: UVM Blogs | lrichar5 | Activity
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lrichar5 created the site Athletic Campus' Hidden Treasure

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Reading In Peace, on the site Athletic Campus'...

Wandering around campus with my chamomile tea in my mason jar, I was in search of the perfect fall reading spot. To my dismay each place I sat I found myself being disrupted by the noise of students...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Changing Colors, on the site Athletic Campus'...

Fall is a time for rejoicing and warm sweaters. And just like us the trees are changing too. The maple leaves are losing their leaves just like how you fall asleep, slowly then all at once. The grand...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Event Mapping of The World Around Me, on the site...

The grass that I am sitting on has seen better days, with the first few killing frosts I can see that the grass does not stand as tall as it used to. The Maple trees are in the same vote, with many...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Living In the wild, on the site Athletic Campus'...

 I have never loved a piece of land as much as I love the fields behind my house. I grew up in their weeds, and played from sun up to sun down. I would come inside from a long day covered in dirt and...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Wrapping up the inevitable, on the site Athletic...

     Above, you can see that I drew a social ecological system digram to show you how so many different things go into making this space. As you can also see, I use dotted lines and straight ones, for...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, The Intertwined Relationship BIetween Nature and...

What is nature? The untouched area that has been kept wild? The natural and recurring forces of the environment? If one perceives nature as being untouched from humans then we alas have demolished...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Limited Institutional Perspectives, on the site...

The park for which my place based project is a perfect example for ecological limits. Parks represent the response to overpopulation and the desire for growth. With large massive of people, natural...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, The Origin of our Ignorant Ethical Ideologies, on...

As a park an assumption one has is that the grass and planted trees are not homes for animals. Constructed by humans many see a park as a place for people to enjoy, instead of all organisms. This...

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lrichar5 wrote a new post, Final Post, on the site Athletic Campus' Hidden...

I have yet to spend much time at my lovely NR spot this term. So now as I sit with my back against this grand Ash tree and my butt on the cold damp ground I am excited to have been able to return and...

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